BUCSC Study Tips

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Midterms season is a busy time of year for students- there is a lot of hard work to be done! To help you out as you prepare for your test date, our BUCSC members have offered their very best studying and note-taking tips.


“Get creative! Try and use bold colors- those points will stick out more when you’re trying to remember info.” – Alison Lengyell, Chief Returning Officer

“I swear by flashcard apps when studying for midterms and exams, that way I can take my studies to go and really have no excuse not to do it.” – Monique Lewis, AVP Promotions

“Take small breaks! Don’t spend them on your phone or you’ll get lost down the Instagram rabbit hole. Stretch, drink some water, or eat a snack instead.” – Katie Vezina, USC Rep

“Always do the readings before you ask questions and come to class with questions to ask. Also, try to summarize in your own words.” – Brooke Huffman, First Year Residence Rep

“Trust your own written notes instead of typing on your computer.” – Tong Sha, Brescia Ball Commissioner

“When I’m studying for a test, I’ll usually write up a ‘fake’ test that includes questions I think are likely to appear on the real test. It’s super helpful!” – Madison Sweet, Charity Commissioner

“Find a really good playlist and study spot to get work done!” – Nadin Moussa, Diversity & Inclusion Commissioner

“Don’t focus on writing down every word that the prof says, sometimes it’s either already in the powerpoint or something you already know by heart! Writing key points/ new info and highlighting keywords keeps your notes concise and easier to memorize!”- Vanessa So, Website Commissioner

“Make sure to have lots of snacks, to reward yourself for working hard!” – Joy Huynh, Chief Communications Officer

“Prepare for your upcoming classes by reading the chapter or topic beforehand. It’s a lot more productive and makes it easier to learn new content.” – Stephanie Tom, Residence Rep

“Study early and don’t procrastinate!” – Shivika Parmar, Senior Year Rep


The BUCSC wishes you the best of luck during midterms season!

If school is still feeling overly stressful, don’t be shy to reach out to your peers or faculty. Find out more about Brescia’s wellness resources at http://brescia.uwo.ca/life/mental-health-wellness/resources/


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