Brescia’s Pride Week 2018

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The Brescia community is very diverse, and the BUCSC makes an effort every year to celebrate many different groups. This week, it was all about Brescia’s LGBT community, honored with a whole week of pride events. Attendees were welcomed to events centered around resources, self-expression, and community in a celebration of the pride Brescia and its students have!

The week began on Monday with an information booth in the St. James Foyer. Many students stopped by to chat and pick up pamphlets, info packs, and even flip books providing information about LGBT issues and sexual health, all provided by PrideWestern on main campus. Especially popular was an info board on transgender issues, and how to be a good trans ally. A very important part of Brescia’s pride week each year is offering resources and creating a venue to discuss LGBT issues, so it is fitting that the week kicked off with an information and resource booth.

Wednesday’s event was all about self-expression- and there’s no sweeter way to do that than a cookie decorating station! The very creative attendees of this event celebrated pride week by icing their cookies with pride flags, uplifting messages, and anything that inspires them. The event was hugely popular as was Thursday’s event, a “gaymes” night to wrap up the week’s festivities. Attendees celebrated the LGBT community at Brescia as they played board and card games with their friends.

It is a busy time of year for Brescia students, so it was especially fun to take time this week to enjoy some pride events. Students loved the opportunity to celebrate the LGBT community and express themselves this pride week. Whether it was raising awareness, building a community, or simply giving LGBT students a place to be themselves, Brescia’s Pride Week was a huge success this year!


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