Five Things To Do During Fall Reading Week

Reading week doesn’t have to be reserved for reading alone.  While this week can be utilized to catch up on assignments and course readings, don’t forget to make some time for friends and family, and to take some time for yourself.

This year students have the week of November 2nd – November 9th off to catch up on readings, lecture notes, and upcoming assignments.  Last year, the Brescia Buzz listed a few things to do during reading week when you need a break from all the reading. Here are five more things to do at home and around London when you need a break from the books and the PowerPoints.

Check out a new café with friends

Photo: Nathan Dumlao from Unsplash
Photo: Nathan Dumlao from Unsplash

Who doesn’t love finding new places to drink coffee and do homework?  If you’re in London over Fall Reading Week, dedicate some time to your inner coffee connoisseur and go coffee shop hopping.   There are tons of hidden gems all around London (and probably in your own hometown too!).  If you need a place to start, check out this article from the Western Gazette on some adorable cafes around London!

go apple picking

Photo: Joanna Nix from Unsplash
Photo: Joanna Nix from Unsplash

With autumn quickly coming to an end and the chill of winter lingering closely behind, now’s your last chance to participate in the fall festivities! Located in Dorchester, only a few kilometres outside of London, Apple Land Station is open 7 days a week and is always a fun trip with family and friends.  With reasonably priced admissions, pick a day (if weather permits) to spend with family or friends picking your own delicious, locally grown apples!

have a themed movie night

Photo: Clay Banks from Unsplash
Photo: Clay Banks from Unsplash

After a long day of studying, what’s better than curling up in a fuzzy blanket with a cup of hot chocolate, while watching movies with some friendly company?  Gather a friend or 10, pick a movie genre (it’s never too early for holiday movies!), and have a cozy night in with some fun flicks playing.  You could always incorporate other fun, de-stressing activities like baking, playing board games, doing face-masks, and anything else you can think of! Pinterest is always full of great ideas if you’re not feeling too creative.

get a head start on holiday shopping

Photo: Andrey Konstantinov from Unsplash
Photo: Andrey Konstantinov from Unsplash

The holiday season is quickly approaching, so get ready for the snow, the lights, and the gift shopping.  December exams happen just as the malls start to fill with shoppers searching for the perfect gifts for their loved ones, so it never hurts to get an early start!  If you celebrate any December holidays, get started on a gift list for your friends and family, and then get shopping before the malls are bustling. You can do this for some alone time, or with a friend or two.

do some self-care activities

Photo by: Anthony Tran from Unsplash
Photo by: Anthony Tran from Unsplash

The BUCSC is always an advocate for taking care of yourself, especially in times of high-stress.  Maintaining your wellness is an important aspect of university life and Reading Week might just be the perfect time for you to pick up some healthy habits. Start meditating every morning, even just for a minute, start using a planner to keep yourself organized, start cooking at home more often, or even start drinking more water.  Sometimes, it’s easier to pick up habits when there’s less on your plate.  Reading week is the perfect time to make progress on your wellness journey.


Beauty in Diversity: International Students Host A Festival of Festivals


Wellness Week Recap: What Students Learned, and How to Apply It