Take Self-Reflection on a Date

Too many date nights have been spoiled by COVID-19. Whether it be a movie date, a dinner date or a date with the gym, provinces have been shot into lockdown, and dates have been crashed by the celebrity virus.

The lack of consistency has taken a toll on mental health and inhibited self-reflection for many, myself included. To be locked down for nearly two years, despite the presented benefits of the lockdowns, limits development - emotionally, mentally, and physically. So, what to do?

Take back the date!

Despite the many nights that have been spent alone over the last two years, try to find the time taken to truly self-reflect and discover parts of yourself that you would not have otherwise been able to tap into had it not been for the lockdown.

Learn about yourself! Love being a couch potato and chilling after a day at work? Sweet! Love being hyperactive and keeping your day busy? That’s awesome! Learn to knit? Heck yeah, you did!

There is nothing wrong with living the way you want to live. COVID-19 has given too much power to social media and the people behind the screen who know nothing about your life but love to hear themselves talk. Consequently, their harsh words can bring you down.

So, keep in mind that the most important thing to do in the face of obstacles is to remember who you are. To persevere is to be secure, and to be secure is to know who you are more intimately than one date with yourself can show you.

If you decide you need help reflecting, Brescia offers plenty of resources! Check them out at https://brescia.uwo.ca/student_life/health_and_wellness/index.php


Reading With Kaye


Zoom with a view: an introvert’s take on virtual learning