6 Ideas to Maintain Balance While Studying Online

1. Create a Weekly Course Meeting with Friends

Turn an asynchronous course into a synchronous one by creating your own mini class with a small group of friends.  Have a regular weekly online meeting time to discuss course material, keep each other motivated, and socialize.  Plus, when midterms and exams approach, you’ll already have a study group organized!

2. Study Outside

Before it gets cold out, try studying outside.  You’ll get fresh air and Vitamin D, while getting work done, so it’s an easy way to incorporate time outside into your busy schedule.  Studying outside can also be enjoyable if you love the outdoors.  Finally, connecting to nature is a great way to de-stress.  So find a picnic table or blanket and a quiet spot to sit, and see if studying outside works for you.

3. Open the Window Each Morning 

If the weather permits, start your day by opening a window.  Notice the warm sun and feel the fall breeze.  Take a second to appreciate the blue sky and listen to the sounds you hear—are any birds chirping?  This is a simple way to start your day with gratitude and positivity, and it only takes a minute of your time.

4. Walk to “Class”

Even if you’re not on campus, you can still take a quick walk before starting the day.  This time though, it’s up to you how long your walk to class takes!  Whether you walk around the block a couple times or just get a few minutes of exercise, walking to class can recreate one of your old routines.  A short walk could mark the start of your school day or provide transition between periods of work.  When you arrive back at your workspace, try working on a different course.

5. Appreciate the Flexibility

Studying online isn’t ideal, but it can offer a new-found flexibility—suddenly you can decide when to listen to some of your lectures.  Use this flexibility to attend a virtual event or take more breaks during a long class.  Pause recorded lectures and take neater notes.  Attend a Zoom class from your backyard, balcony, back step… wherever you can focus and have access to wifi.  Snuggle up with a soft blanket and type your written assignments in comfort.  What else can you do with the flexibility of online learning?

6. Stay Connected

Keep in touch with friends and participate in virtual or physically-distanced activities.  It may be harder than usual to stay connected right now, but the Brescia Buzz is here to help.  Check back in for updates on events, read fun and informative content, learn about what goes on in student council meetings, and submit your own blog article to share with the Brescia community!  


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