HBK Frost Week

Each year, Western celebrates frost week during the first week back to classes after winter break. Frost week is all about welcoming new students to university. For students arriving at school for the first time and beginning their classes in the winter semester, O week has passed by. However, frost week is filled with social events to introduce these students to university and get to know their community. HBK’s frost week in particular helps foster the sense of community, commitment, and engagement between Western’s affiliates.

The first HBK event of frost week was a karaoke night at Huron’s beaver dam. Huron’s karaoke nights are always a hit, and this one was no different. On January 7, students from Huron, Brescia, and King’s gathered at Huron’s popular lounge for an evening of singing and socializing. The proceeds from the event even went to a good cause, the HBK Relay for Life, which will be held later in the semester. Later in the week, Frost week wrapped up with another HBK event on January 10. HBK students gathered again at the beaver dam to begin the all-ages bar night. Everyone was welcome to get to know some friendly faces from all the affiliate campuses.

For some students, frost week is all about meeting new people, and for others it is about reuniting after a long winter break. All sorts of HBK students had fun during the week with old and new friends from different campuses. Huron, Brescia, and King’s have always had a special relationship as Western’s affiliates, so it is particularly fun when they celebrate together.


Brescia Ball and Wine & Cheese 2019


Brescia at Champ’s Cup